

All alleged violations should be reported as soon as possible following the discovery of the alleged inappropriate behavior. 任何个人(学生), 大学员工, or other person) who believes a student or student organization may have committed a violation of the Code published above, 可以向学校警察报案吗, 联系学生行为和诚信办公室, 和/或使用以下学生行为报告表格之一填写事件报告: 

Complaint Resolution proceedings are initiated by the Office of 学生品行及操守 under the guidance of the Director of Student Conduct and/or designee. 收到学生/学生组织行为投诉后, 学生行为和诚信办公室将进行初步审查,以确定: 

  • 报告的有效性和所提交资料的可信度; 
  • 如需要进一步调查/提供资料; 
  • 根据本守则审查可能违反政策的情况; 
  • 最适当的处理或解雇报告. 


Students and 学生组织 alleged to have violated the Code will be afforded the opportunity to resolve the allegation within the established CRPs (See Section 4.4—Individual, Non-Academic Student Misconduct Procedures; Section 4.5 .学生组织失当行为处理程序. 


All students at Indiana State University have a right to fair and equitable procedures for determining the validity of charges of violating university policy. 

  • These procedures shall be structured so as to facilitate a reliable determination of the truth or falsity of charges and to meet the fundamental requirements of fairness (i.e., 提前通知收费的权利, 听证权, 审查证据的权利, 辩护准备权, 上诉权, 学生有权选择一名顾问,但不能由律师或其他顾问代理). 
  • Students have the right to know in advance the range of penalties for violations of campus regulations (Section 5: Conduct Process Outcomes). 应要求,学生有权获得大学的所有具体政策的副本(例如.g.,日常行政政策,教师和电子游戏试玩人员手册等.). 
  • 对轻微违法行为的指控(那些违法行为), 就其本质而言, 没有停学或开除的理由,也没有重复违反规定的理由, 学生因此受到谴责, 限制, 或需求, 是否可以由适当的个人或委员会有效地处理. Students sanctioned in this manner have the 上诉权 to the next higher level of administration or to an established appeals committee.  
  • 在涉及违规指控的情况下,可能导致停学或开除学籍, students have a right to an Administrative Conference or University Conduct Board hearing and procedures which include right of appeal. 如果大学行为委员会是一个选择或需要, 听证会前会议将安排,以确保学生了解他们的权利和解决方案的选择.  Any person penalized for a serious infraction of established university regulations or policies has the 上诉权, 向下一级行政官或已成立的上诉委员会申诉. 


尽管有无法控制的情况, the Director of SCI or their designee will notify the accused student within ten (10) working days of receipt of the complaint. 该通知将包括: 

  • 所谓不当行为的性质,
  • 发生涉嫌不当行为的日期、时间和地点,
  • 审查与该情况有关的所有信息的过程;
  • 听证会的日期、时间和地点;
  • 学生在投诉解决过程中享有的权利,
  • 如果被认定对违反本准则的行为负有责任,适用的制裁(见第5条);
  • 对行为记录中信息的保存和发布的描述,以及
  • A notice that a decision will be made in the student’s absence if the student chooses not to appear at the hearing. 未能出现可能是决定行为过程结果的一个因素.


所有听证会不对公众开放.  只有与这种情况有关的个人才能在场. 涉及的个人可能包括:

  • 操守人员及/或操守董事会成员; 
  • 被控违反校规的学生, 
  • 大学行为顾问,  
  • 法律顾问(如适用并作为非参与观察员); 
  • 原告, 
  • 证人(证人只可在其陈述期间逗留). 


逐字记录应当一份, 比如录音, 所有大学行为委员会(UCB)听证会. 审议不得记录. 不得作其他记录. The accused student and complaining witness may review the recording in the Office of 学生品行及操守 upon request, 出于任何原因,但通常是为了准备上诉. The recording shall be the property of Indiana State University and shall be maintained by the Office of 学生品行及操守 until the conclusion of all appeal proceedings, 直到上诉截止日期已过, 或者按照法律的要求. 初步的会议, 证人及其他访谈, 或行政听证会也可以由学生行为和诚信办公室的工作人员记录.  未经许可记录这些过程可能会违反守则政策.2.4. 



  • choose whether to attend 或者不参加 任何行为过程 or submit a written presentation of their case prior to the schedule process (4.3.8).   
  • 获得大学行为顾问(4.3.9); 
  • 公正、公正和及时的程序; 
  • 提供证人(4名).3.10); 
  • be presumed not responsible until the conclusion of the conduct process if the standard of proof is present; and,
  • review, 没有收到, 关于他们行为的所有相关信息以便准备辩护.


被告学生/被告有权选择是否出席, 或者不参加, 任何行为过程.  被告学生/被告可在预定程序前提交书面陈述. The university does not compel an accused student/respondent to attend the hearing; however, 听证会可以在学生缺席的情况下继续进行,并指定发现和结果.  由于这样的缺席, 或未收到书面材料, the accused student/respondent forfeit their right to question witnesses or respond to material presented to the hearing officer for consideration.  被告学生/被告不参与将不被视为承认责任, 案件将根据现有文件作出裁决, 证人的证词, 和/或可用信息. 


All involved students have the right to a University Conduct Advisor The conduct advisor must be a member of the University community (student, faculty, 管理员, staff, coach, 认可大学附属机构. 顾问必须对大学的行为体系有经验或了解. 顾问的作用是提供支持和协助准备听证会.  由于投诉解决程序不是民事或刑事法庭听证会, 顾问的角色不是律师. 该人不得向听证主任或听证委员会发言,也不得向任何证人提问. 如需咨询顾问,请联系SCI. 


被指控的学生/被告、投诉人和SCI工作人员有机会提供证人.  证人被允许参加CRP.  A list of witnesses must be submitted to the appropriate conduct officer no later than two (2) days prior to the administrative conference. 操守人员或操守委员会成员可询问证人, 投诉人, 被指控的学生.  证人将被要求仅提供有关正在裁决的违规行为的信息. 

由于投诉解决程序没有传唤的权力, 证人陈述可以在有证人在场的地方提出. Witness statements should be submitted to SCI no later than two (2) business days prior to the hearing for consideration by the board members and should be delivered directly from the witnessing party via in person or university provided electronic mail account.  证人如有疑问,应联系学生行为与诚信办公室.   

Character witnesses will not be provided an opportunity to address the hearing officer or University Conduct Board; however they may provide a written statement to be considered during the sanctioning phase of deliberations. 


The Standard of Proof is “more likely than not” that University policy has been violated (also referred to as preponderance of the evidence). 需要有证据表明事实更有可能是事实而不是事实. Evidence, 当考虑和比较与之相对的事物时, has more convincing force and produces in the hearing officer’s mind the belief that what is sought is more likely true than not true (Journal of College and University Law). 


大学不承担学生的责任, 或者缺乏责任感, for a violation until a complaint against the student has been resolved through an adjudication process outlined in this Code or related policies. 



  • 承认违规的责任,和/或
  • 根据大学的举证标准,是否对一次或多次违反校规的行为负责


Reasonable accommodations will be provided in conduct procedures for persons with disabilities on an individualized and flexible basis.  学生可以向残疾服务办公室寻求帮助,提出住宿请求.


No member of the conduct board nor conduct officer who has a conflicting interest in a particular case may participate in a conduct hearing for said situation. Conduct board members and conduct officers with conflicting interests must recuse themselves from the proceedings. Either the student or the complainant may challenge a member of the University Conduct Board or University Conduct Officer in writing with the Director of SCI. 如果SCI主任的参与受到质疑, 这一挑战将转交给负责学生事务的副校长. 


由大学官员决定, 根据本守则采取的行动可在其他诉讼进行之前或进行期间进行. University officials may also pause proceedings at the request of law enforcement agencies so as not to interfere with criminal investigations. 



The university reserves the right to delay any conduct proceeding if unforeseen circumstances arise necessitating a delay. 延迟的原因和对时间表的估计调整将以书面形式提供给学生. Changes to the process may also occur as long as those changes do not negate established procedures or are agreed upon by the student involved.  


All conduct proceedings will occur in person as established; however, 由于校园空间的可用性,可视会议可能在必要时被利用, 不能在物理上接近, 和/或距离.  在主任的指导下,SCI员工也可以自行决定使用视频会议.  在事件视频会议是必要的, 学生将被要求呆在一个私人空间里, 不受干扰.  一般行为决议程序(非公开会议/听证会), 除SCI录音外,不得录音, 所有行为权利, etc.),并对虚拟格式进行合理的维护和调整.


Room 821