4.2 Conduct Authority

4.2.1 Authority 

电子游戏试玩董事会由印第安纳州议会授权管理, control, 组织机构运作,颁布规章制度,履行职责. 印第安纳州法规规定,董事会可将此权力委托给其官员, faculty, employees, and others. 授予董事会的法定权力包括印第安纳州法典21-39-2规定的具体权力,以规范学生和其他人的行为如下: 

a. To govern, by regulation and other means, the conduct of students, faculty, employees, and others while upon the property owned, used, or occupied by the institution.
b. To govern, by lawful means, the conduct of its students, faculty, and employees, wherever the conduct might occur to prevent unlawful or objectionable acts that: (1) seriously threaten the ability of the institution to maintain its facilities; or (2) violate the reasonable rules and standards of the institution designed to protect the academic community from unlawful conduct or conduct presenting a serious threat to person or property of the academic community.
c. To dismiss, suspend, or otherwise punish any student, faculty member, 或违反机构规则或行为标准的机构雇员, after determination of guilt by lawful proceedings. 

校董会已授权校长和负责学生事务的副校长管理学生的行为, 反过来,他们又进一步授权给其他人员,以学生行为和诚信办公室(SCI)。. 当大学官员或其他雇员根据本守则允许或要求采取行动时, the action may be taken by that person's designee.SCI主任负责电子游戏试玩CRP的发展和管理. SCI主任或指定人员负责培训大学操守官(UCO)。. 以下人士获授权为大学操守主任,负责执行操守程序: 

  • Office of Student Conduct and Integrity Staff;

  • Department of Residential Life Staff; 

  • 经SCI主任或其指定人员培训的其他大学教职员工;, and 

  • University Conduct Board 

上述个人可以与违反学校政策的学生进行行政会议, 包括《pg电子游戏试玩》中的规定, 国际滑联宿舍手册和国际滑联学生组织政策. 

4.2.2 Application

本准则和所有学校政策适用于学生和学生组织在校内或校外发生的行为(见第2节).(如上文第1(b)段所述),尤其当该等行为影响大学利益时. 如果学生的行为或犯罪行为发生在电子游戏试玩内部或影响到电子游戏试玩物理边界内的财产,学校可能会采取纪律处分, on or affecting university- owned or controlled property, or when the student is in attendance at a university- 赞助的活动,或者当大学作为一个社区的利益明显涉及. 大学的校外兴趣包括以下几个方面:

a. 导致或威胁危害人身健康或安全,或损害或毁坏大学社区成员财产的行为;
b. 与学术课程作业有关的行为, internship, practicum, field trip, student teaching, research or other university activity;
c. Conduct in connection with any activity sponsored, conducted, 或由大学或学生组织授权;
d. 涉及严重犯罪的行为,包括但不限于所有暴力犯罪, felonies, 以及非法药物或管制药物的销售或分销, or if a police report has been filed, if a summons or indictment has been issued, if an arrest has occurred, or an agreement entered into with the court;
e. Conduct adversely affecting the university community or indicating that the continued presence of a student on campus poses a threat to the student's well-being or the well-being of other members of the university community; or
f. 被指控或被判违反联邦法律的学生, state, 或者当地法律可能会对同样的行为进行大学制裁, in accord with established policies and procedures, 当该行为违反了对继续保护大学其他成员或维护教育过程至关重要的大学规则时. At the discretion of university officials, 根据本守则采取的行动可在刑事诉讼之前或期间进行. 根据本守则作出的决定或施加的制裁不得更改,因为由引起大学规则的同一组事实引起的刑事指控已被驳回, reduced, 或决定支持或反对刑事被告. 


Student Conduct and Integrity
Hulman Memorial Student Union
Room 821
Office: 812.237.3800