Vocational Rehabilitation and 就业 Program


The Vocational Rehabilitation and 就业 (VRE/Chapter 31) Program assists veterans with service-connected disabilities to prepare for careers. A variety of services are provided, including educational benefits. For detailed information on eligibility and services, visit the 部门 of 退伍军人 Affairs, Vocational Rehabilitation and 就业 Program.

Note: This program is authorized by Congress under Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 31. It is sometimes referred to as the Chapter 31 program.

How To 应用 for Education Benefits

For instructions and on-line application, go to:

Once eligibility is established with the VA, the veteran is scheduled to meet with a vocational rehabilitation counselor for a comprehensive evaluation to determine if he/she is entitled to services.


In addition to applying for veterans educational benefits, our office recommends that all ISU students completing degrees (or pursing required teacher certifications), 完成 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student 援助) by March 10 each year to ensure that they will be considered for all possible types of funding, including state and federal financial aid, 贷款, 奖助金, and work-study programs. 

Enrollment Certification

Once a veteran is approved to receive educational benefits, the veteran must certify enrollment with ISU each semester in order to receive educational benefits.

  • Certify with ISU (each semester): ISU形式
Report Change in Major/Program

退伍军人 must report a change in major or program by contacting the Office of Registration and Records at (812) 237-2020. Failure to report a change in major or program may result in delay or loss of payment of educational benefits.


For information, assistance—or to schedule an appointment, contact:

退伍军人服务 Coordinator
Indiana State University
Welcome Center, room 118
318 North Sixth Street
Terre Haute, Indiana
1 - 800 -去- isu

To help us serve you better, please indicate that you are interested in assistance with veterans benefits when you contact our office.