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Living and Learning

Communities | Student Leadership | 国家宿舍楼 | Hall Council | Residence Hall Association | IT Advisory Board

Educational Priority

通过在电子游戏试玩的社区生活, students will explore, 作为积极参与的世界公民进行实践和行动.

Learning Goals



Self-efficacy is a student’s belief in their capabilities to reach goals through exploration of their values, beliefs, attitudes, and interests.  This involves transforming knowledge to action and reflecting upon what impact that action has upon communities.

Students will be able to:

  • Identify who they are
  • 认识到他们对其他人的影响
  • 认识到它们对社区的影响
  • 诚实地行事


Inclusive Excellence:

Inclusive excellence is a student’s ability to interact and create meaningful relationships with those that are different from them.  这包括理解自我和他人的身份, challenging systems of power, privilege, and oppression, 努力建设更公平的社区.

Students will be able to:

  • Articulate their identities
  • 有效地跨身份参与
  • 找出权力、特权和压迫的问题
  • 为公平正义贡献力量


Professional Success:

Professional success is a student’s ability to define their aspirations and learn skills that allow them to be successful in all of their life pursuits. This involves a personal exploration of success and developing skillsets which allow them to contribute in meaningful ways to strengthen their communities.

Students will be able to:

  • 为自己定义成功
  • 培养实用技能以获得成功
  • Communicate effectively
  • 以健康的方式处理冲突
  • 利用自己的优势为社区做出积极贡献

Why it Matters


NRHH LogoThe Larry Miltenberger Chapter of the 国家宿舍楼 at Indiana State University promotes service and recognition of others within Indiana State University and the surrounding communities.

The 国家宿舍楼 (NRHH) is the premiere honorary supported by the leading international organization advocating for the interests and welfare of residence hall students, 同时也为他们的个人成长和发展提供机会. NRHH strives to provide recognition for individuals who have contributed to the advancement of college and university housing. 通过资源共享,保证会员分会的进步, programming, and leadership development opportunities to contribute and support the vision of the National Association of College and University Residence Halls, Incorporated.

每个学期都可以通过TreeHouse申请加入.  申请后将进行面试,以确定是否被NRHH录取.

Membership Qualifications:

  • Candidate Member seeking induction must be a student of the college or university with which the chapter is affiliated.
  • 学生指的是目前在电子游戏试玩上课的人, 无论是本科生还是研究生.
  • 攻读本科、研究生或电子游戏试玩学位的学生都有资格入职.
  • 在入职时,入选者必须在大学有良好的学术成绩.
  •  Candidate member must be living in institutionally owned or contracted housing and has lived in institutionally owned or contracted housing for at least one academic term, one semester, upon induction.
  • Candidate Member must have made positive contribution to the residence hall system through engagement with the values of service and recognition.

NRHH Organizational Page

NRHH International


宿舍委员会是一个学生组织,设在校园的每个宿舍. The main focus of Hall Council is to provide the residents of the building a chance for their voices to be heard about what they want to see in their hall. 霍尔理事会还定期举办社会和教育活动,以改善他们的社区.

Members:  While 住在宿舍楼的每个学生都是宿舍楼委员会的成员, there is a group of dedicated leaders for each hall that represents their building and works to lead the organization throughout the year. 大多数职位的选举在秋季学期的前两周内进行, 所以学生们应该在报到时留意信息.  这取决于建筑和年份, 学生会会长在学期前的春季学期选举产生.

President:  校长监督霍尔委员会的所有运作. 这包括主持所有执行局和大会会议. They also ensure that the General Assembly is allowed the opportunity to make their opinion known on a given subject or matter. They serve as one of the representatives from their Hall Council to the Residence Hall Association General Council Meetings.

Vice President:  副总统协助总统履行职责,并在必要时介入. They also oversee the election process for their buildings and act as a liaison with the Hall Representatives. 他们带头为任何返校节或春季周的参加做准备.

行政事务副总裁:  行政事务副总裁兼任秘书和司库. 他们的任务是记录和出版所有大厅理事会会议的会议记录. They also work with their advisor to keep an accurate account of the budget and present that regularly to their Hall Council.

编程副总裁:  The Vice President of Programming is tasked with gathering ideas from residents on what programming initiatives they would like to see in the halls. They also work to coordinate all programming efforts in the building to make sure that the Executive Board and General Assembly know what is happening.

公共关系副总裁:  公共关系副总裁是霍尔委员会的主要广告客户. 他们负责为霍尔理事会的任何倡议进行宣传. 他们还负责监督霍尔委员会在社交媒体上的表现.

社区服务副总裁:  The Vice President of Community Service works to provide service opportunities within their hall for the residents to give back. They work in collaboration with the Center for Community Engagement as well as the 国家宿舍楼 Vice President of Service to provide such opportunities.

Hall Representative:  堂代表是他们指定社区的投票成员. 他们是执行局与其社区之间的信息联络人. They work to make sure their community’s voice is present in Hall Council and vote based on the needs and wants of that community.

Meeting Times

Each semester, the Hall Council Executive Board sets the time of both their Executive Meeting and their General Assembly. The Executive Meeting is only for the six members of the Executive Board as they plan for the organization's future. The General Assembly meetings are open to all residents and that is where the Hall Representatives will vote on matters for the Hall Council.


RHA LogoThe Residence Hall Association (RHA) is the second largest organization at Indiana State University that serves as a programming and advocacy group for all residence halls on campus. RHA的目的是提供活动, leadership, 为居民提供发展机会. RHA直接与每栋楼的宿舍理事会合作,以满足其居民的需求. RHA also serves as a liaison between the residents in the buildings and the Department of Residential Life.

How to get involved with RHA?

每个宿舍都有一个宿舍委员会,该委员会由住在大楼里的学生组成. 学生可以通过与他们的宿舍委员会合作来参与RHA. 你也可以参加在秋季和春季学期举行的会议. RHA works to sponsor a campus-wide program that allows the residents to come and engage in a social setting on campus.


  • Advocacy Committee
  • Legislation Committee
  • Programming Committee

Contact Information & Meeting Times

RHA办公室位于布隆伯格大厅的下层. Our executive board members all host office hours weekly and this is a time for students to come and ask questions or speak with an RHA executive board member if needed. 您也可以通过电子邮件联系执行委员会 or via phone at 812-237-7268.

房委会常务理事会会议于每周三下午五时在埃里克森大厦低层举行. This meeting is open to any on-campus resident to come and learn about what is happening on campus with RHA.


寻找更多关于RHA的信息, 比如我们如何为你的宿舍楼做宣传,或者要求你成为你的活动伙伴. 请访问我们的树屋页面了解更多信息:


The IT Advisory Board advises the Office of Residential Life regarding IT infrastructure in the residence halls.  本板推荐升级无线技术, IP电缆系统和更多的宿舍.


Residential Life Office

Erickson Hall
Phone: 812-237-3993
Fax: 812-237-8525
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Social: @IndstateResLife on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram