


The writing sequence at ISU consists of two requirements: first-year composition 和 advanced composition. The first-year requirement consists of a two-semester sequence of English 101, writing from personal experience, 和 English 105, writing researched papers. The advanced composition requirement consists of one course at the junior level.

Freshman 作文 

101年英格  和 105年英格 or

107年英格 or 108年英格 or

GH 101 和 GH 201 (和 completion of the University Honors curriculum

Honor Student Exemption
Honors students with an SAT Evidence Based Reading & Writing score of 700 or higher, an SAT Reading Test score of 35 or higher, or an ACT English score of 29 or higher do not have to take a Freshmen 作文 course as long as they complete the Honors curriculum. 在这种情况下, GH 101 和 GH 201 will need to be completed before the student can enroll in a Junior 作文 course.

Junior 作文

Select one upper-division course from the following:

拜特336305年英格305年英格吨307年英格308年英格313年英格 or HRD 340  

国际 Student 需求: ESL 103A, ESL 103B, 105年英格 和 a Junior 作文 course.

Learning Outcomes

http://catalog.salamzone.com/preview_program.php?catoid = 56&poid = 10051


学生 with 4 SAT critical reading scores of 510 or above or ACT English usage scores of 20 or above take English 107 or English 108, both of which are accelerated versions of 101 和 105, in lieu of the two-semester sequence. 

学生 must have completed forty-five credit hours 和 first-year composition requirements to enroll in the Junior 作文 course.

国际 学生 must take the English Language Placement Test in order to determine their placement in ESL 103A, ESL 103B or 105年英格. 学生 who have not take the EPT will be placed in ESL 103A.


Link to Writing at Indiana State University 2018 document