小组chological Society

The 小组chological Society, or "小组ch Society," works to provide resources and opportunities for both majors and non-majors to learn more about the field of psychology. 为此目的, 小组ch Society sponsors a number of talks related to research in psychology, graduate school applications, and career paths in psychology.

The Society will also sponsor a number of fun and exciting activities throughout the year that will allow you to meet and interact with students and faculty with interests in psychology. Our goal is to provide students with the tools they need to be successful in their future endeavors whether that leads directly to the field of psychology or some other area.

We are currently looking for new 小组ch Society members. Membership is open to any ISU student.

Please contact a 小组ch Society Officer for membership.  

If you have any questions about 小组ch Society, please contact 布莱德 Brubaker, faculty advisor at 布莱德.Brubaker@salamzone.com



Department of 心理学