
Environmental 地球科学 Major


The geoscience programs at Indiana State University prepares 学生 for a diverse range of careers and/or entry to graduate school through an undergraduate curriculum rich with field, 实验室, and research opportunities.

Our curriculum is flexible and offers both Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees that allow you to explore a broad range of geoscience topics to develop better observational, 假设检验, and critical thinking skills. 地球科学 is an interdisciplinary field that draws on knowledge from many other scientific disciplines in unlimited ways.


Environmental 地球科学

There is an increasing need for geoscientists and environmental scientists who can apply their expertise to finding energy and mineral resources as well as evaluating and mitigating the impact of humans on the environment. Our environmental geoscience major prepares 学生 for specialization in the fields of environmental policy, environmental justice, and environmental consulting. Our 学生 are qualified for careers with federal agencies such as the United States Geological Survey, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, or National Oceanic and Atmospheric 政府. On the state level, career opportunities include positions with state geological surveys or departments of natural resources, environmental management, or private environmental or engineering firms.


Geosceince Program Core

The environmental geoscience program has a small core of required classes that are focused more heavily upon environmental and policy aspects of earth sciences. 学生 have the option of diversifying their electives to cover a broad spectrum of environmental science topics, or they may tailor their electives to focus on such discipline-related topics as water resources, 古生态学, 气候学, 地球化学, GI-science, and physical geology. The elective courses provide a wealth of opportunities for hands-on experiential learning in the field and 实验室, which can provide a real competitive advantage after graduation.


项目 顾问 需求 结果
Environmental 地球科学 Dr. 杰弗瑞石    度地图         BS的环境. 地球科学                      
  Dr. 珍拉蒂默    


Department of 地球 and Environmental Systems