
关于 the 研究生 Program

Master of Art in 沟通

The ISU Department of 沟通 offers a vibrant and stimulating master's degree 程序. Many industry leaders and distinguished university educators and administrators across the country and around the world have graduated from our 程序. Always striving to meet the needs and best prepare our students, we offer the opportunity to enroll in one of four specializations including: Digital Media; Leadership; Public Advocacy; and Health 沟通.

典型的M.A. 程序 is completed in two years, though it is possible to complete an even more accelerated 程序 with guidance from an advisor. 具体地说, our 程序 is designed as a small group experience where you will receive personalized attention and guidance, often working one-on-one with faculty.



为什么要挣M ?.A.?

The master’s 程序 offers a wonderful opportunity to further develop your credentials before entering the job market. Professionals wishing to 增强 skills and career status will find a 程序 that offers a solid theoretical framework along with opportunities to either learn or expand abilities appropriate for assuming advanced leadership positions.

Our 程序 prepares graduates for leadership roles and careers in the private sector and the public affairs setting, including media and public issues management in business, 教育, 政府, 和非营利组织. 另外, the master’s 程序 makes a fitting 程序 for those wishing to pursue further work in a doctoral degree 程序, 法律学位, 或M.B.A. 程序.


If you have additional questions you may send an email to: ISU-commgrad程序@salamzone.com


Online 研究生 Certificates in 沟通

All certificates can be completed in 3-4 semesters and entirely online.

沟通 Leadership 研究生 Certificate

The University’s online 沟通 Leadership 研究生 Certificate Program is designed for working professionals as well as individuals completing a master of arts in communication. The 程序 is ideal for individuals who wish to obtain abilities essential for advanced leadership roles in virtually every sector, 包括业务, 教育, 政府, and non-profit organizations.


Digital Media 沟通 研究生 Certificate

The University’ offers an online Digital Media 沟通 研究生 Certificate Program for working professionals as well as individuals completing a master of arts in communication. The 程序 is designed for students who wish to explore, 增强, and improve their proficiency in the use of digital communication tools.


Health 沟通 研究生 Certificate

The University’s online Health 沟通 研究生 Certificate Program is designed for those working in any area of health (from health promotion to patient advocacy) and desiring a well-developed background in 理论 and applied communication skills. Health is an area of communication for all people whether it be conversations with health professionals or advocacy for others. Medical providers and those working in the area of health need clear, 移情作用的, culturally sensitive communication skills to be successful. This certificate 程序 addresses these needs.


Public Advocacy 沟通 研究生 Certificate

The University offers an online Public Advocacy 沟通 研究生 Certificate Program for working professionals as well as individuals completing a master of arts in communication. Advocacy is a key communication skill for all careers. This certificate 程序 addresses this need by offering students a well-developed background in the use, 理论, 建设, and analysis of public messages while preparing them for success in a variety of careers in public advocacy.