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Graduate Course Descriptions

CRIM 507: POLICE ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION (3 credits). Principles of organization and management in terms of line, staff, and auxiliary functions; specific concentration on organization of police services, administrative services, operational services, and auxiliary services. 附加条件:200和320(可以同时采取),或教师的同意.

CRIM 516: SYMPOSIUM OF CRIMINOLOGY (3 credits). Consideration is given to a specific area of criminology. 课程分为学分或非学分,在职或职前学生. A different topic is selected for each symposium. 学生可以通过注册不同的课程获得最多6个小时的学分. prerequisite: 6 hours of criminology or consent of instructor.

CRIM 520: CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE I (3 credits). 刑法作为一种社会控制制度的历史和发展分析, the scope, purpose, and general principles of criminal law; and the essential haracteristics of various crimes. prerequisite: 6 hours of criminology or consent of instructor.

CRIM 521: CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE II (3 credits). A continuation of 520. prerequisites: 6 hours of criminology; 520 or consent of instructor.

CRIM 523: JUVENILE DELINQUENCY (3 credits). Definitions and interpretations of theories of causation and prevention; organization and functions of community agencies and institutions, including police, courts, and probation. prerequisite: 6 hours of criminology or consent of instructor.

CRIM 530: CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS (3 credits). 今天美国的惩教机构的发展情况, objectives, and standards, includes jails, detention homes, reformatories, furlough-detention camps, open and closed institutions.  prerequisite: 6 hours of criminology or consent of instructor.

CRIM 531: COMMUNITY-BASED CORRECTIONS (3 credits). 本课程涵盖了各种监禁的替代方案,统称为社区矫正, including diversion, pretrial release, fines, homes, confinement, restitution, community service, half-way houses, probation and parole. prerequisite: 6 hours of criminology or consent of instructor. 

CRIM 532: THE LAW ON EVIDENCE (3 credits). analysis of the rules of evidence; their functional relationship to the culture in which they operate, and their effect on law enforcement, criminal prosecution, and the correctional processes. prerequisites: 520, 521, or consent of instructor.

CRIM 535: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION (3 credits). Organization and functions of investigative agencies, basic considerations in the investigation of crime, collection and preservation of physical evidence, elements of legal proof in the submission of evidence, investigation of specific types of offenses. prerequisites: 200 and 320, or consent of instructor.

CRIM 540: ETHICS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE (3 credits). A study of ethics, crime, and the criminal justice system. 本课程探讨了与道德行为研究相关的各种理论观点,然后将这些讨论应用于执法和纠正的实践.

CRIM 601: SEMINAR: CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORIES (3 credits). 介绍和讨论各种关于犯罪和犯罪因果关系的理论以及为发展和检验这些理论所做的研究.

CRIM 602: CORRECTIONAL COUNSELING (3 credits). 适用于缓刑、假释和机构的个案工作和咨询.

CRIM 603:研讨会:矫正中的治疗实践和技术(3学分). 一门高级惩教课程,旨在涵盖有关在惩教系统中为不同群体提供治疗的问题. 主要关注的是如何领导团队, evaluate treatment related research, and dealing with special populations such as addicts, mental health offenders, and victims. 

CRIM 604: SEMINAR: POLICE PROBLEMS AND PRACTICES (3 credits). The organizational structure, administrative practices, and operating procedures of police departments; the purpose of each practice and the principle to be followed in achieving it.

CRIM 605: CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATION ( 3 credits). 当代州和联邦惩教系统的行政组织分析与评价. The organization of business, custodial, industrial, and treatment functions of correctional agencies.

CRIM 606: SEMINAR: RESEARCH IN CRIMINOLOGY (3 credits). 犯罪学研究的分析,侧重于刑事司法系统的几个方面. 研究人员在进行犯罪学研究时的研究方法和问题的检查.

CRIM 607: SEMINAR: LAW AND SOCIETY (3 credits). 法学研究法律与其所处社会的文化之间的关系. An analysis is made of the law as a social institution, its possible origin, its development through various periods of history, and its present status in Western civilization. 特别强调的是美国当代刑法的问题, 最近的社会变化和冲突对犯罪数量的影响, the rights and responsibilities of those who come before them, and various proposals for changes in American criminal law.

CRIM 608:法律与刑事司法管理研讨会(3学分). 本次研讨会将深入研究与刑事司法机构管理有关的法律要求和问题, including enforcement, prosecution, adjudication, and corrections. 特别强调管理人员在人事行政领域面临的问题, workplace safety and health, environmental compliance, civil rights, liability avoidance, and financial management. 研究立法和司法决定的最新发展.

刑事司法组织与管理(3学分). 这个研讨会提供了组织和管理原则的概述,包括预算, planning, employee selection and training, and policy making. Students will broaden their knowledge of activities, and procedures involved in criminal justice agency management. 特别强调的是发展和提高当今管理者所需的沟通技巧和批判性思维.

CRIM 621: ADVANCED CRIMINAL PROCEDURE (3 credits). 与刑事起诉有关的刑事诉讼程序问题的高级处理. 探讨的法律主题包括保释和审前拘留的法律方面, charging decisions, grand juries, plea-bargaining, criminal discovery, pretrial publicity, competency to stand trial, jury trial, 以及被告的对质权和律师的有效协助权.

CRIM 630: SEMINAR IN CORRECTIONS (3 credits). An advanced course in corrections designed to cover history, development, current practices, critical issues, and the future of corrections. 特别的重点将放在各种理论和实践方法的研究更正和目前的研究领域设计评估这些做法.

CRIM 635: ADVANCED CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS (3 credits). 本课程将探讨调查和证据在刑事司法中的作用. Management techniques, analysis and critical thinking, and the role of science and technology are explored. 提出了刑事侦查中的伦理问题、专题和争议.

CRIM 697: INDIVIDUAL DIRECTED STUDY (1-6 credits). 由学生和教师共同决定的对犯罪学中某一特定领域或问题的个别研究. 建议的研究大纲必须在课程注册之前提交给教师批准. prerequisite: consent of instructor.

CRIM 698: INTERNSHIP IN CRIMINOLOGY (3-6 credits). Placement in one of several criminal justice  system settings, such as courts, corrections, law enforcement, or a research agency. 前提条件:12小时的犯罪学和教师的同意. (在本科阶段完成实习的学生可以用其他课程代替实习.)

CRIM 699: MASTER'S THESIS (6 credits). Thesis on research in criminology.

注:500系列课程按*400系列向本科生开放. 研究生被要求做额外的研究性质的工作. 400级课程不能在500级课程中重复.

School of Criminology and Security Studies


School of Criminology and Security Studies
Holmstedt Hall 210
620 Chestnut St
Terre Haute, IN 47809
Phone: 812.237.2192
Fax: 812-237-2407
Google Map: Holmstedt Hall (HH)