

手册的政策 & 的指导方针


文件 休假工作流程.多克斯



部门 chairs, deans 和 members of the University Leaves Committee, i.e., all of those who review sabbatical proposals at the University, are often asked questions about various topics related to the sabbatical program. Some of the questions can be answered by direct reference to policy statements in the University H和book. 然而, questions are also raised about matters not specifically covered in the policy but for which faculty needs some guidance. The following paragraphs attempt to provide succinct answers to some often-asked questions.

What is the Rationale for a Sabbatical System?

Sabbaticals are basically a form of faculty development. The University is making an investment in the development of its most critical human resource. What the University expects to receive in return is a better, more productive faculty member. A sabbatical program is a larger version of what is done in its summer development programs, 内部研究资助计划, 以及类似的教师发展项目. It is “larger” in the sense that it requires more financial resources to support it, 为教员提供了更多的时间, 和, 因此, 有更大的预期结果. The faculty member on sabbatical is devoting full time to professional development activities.


Reviewers of sabbatical proposals are looking at proposals from three points of view.

First, the scope 和 quality of each proposal are reviewed. Is the proposal dealing with a substantial topic, one that merits release from all other duties? Has the proposer adequately spelled out the details of how the wok is to be accomplished, 预期的结果是什么, 诸如此类? 关于这方面的审查, it should be noted that sabbatical proposals are sometimes returned to the faculty member for clarification or expansion before the review is completed.

第二个, has adequate provision been made for “covering” the faculty member’s normal instructional 和 service responsibilities? Although the department chair 和 dean are concerned with the quality of a leave proposal, they are also obliged to meet instructional 和 service needs in their units. The University Leaves Committee, on other h和, deals principally with the issue of quality. 

第三, all of the reviewers consider useful suggestions that can be offered to the faculty member about accomplishing the proposed work. They may know of contacts at other institutions or within the University, 补充补助金, 等.,这将是有用的. Comments on these matters are often transmitted to the faculty member when the sabbatical is approved.


教师 often offers to continue with intramural service activities during their sabbatical leaves. 然而, this defeats the purpose for which the leave is given. 除非在非常特殊的情况下, faculty should disengage themselves completely from these responsibilities so as to devote themselves full time to their sabbatical activities. 


在休假结束时, a faculty member is required to complete a report of his/her activities 和 accomplishments 和 route it through the chairperson, 和 dean to the Provost 和 Vice President for 学术事务. The report will typically be a brief narrative, which outlines the faculty member’s accomplishments, accompanied by products developed during the sabbatical. 在研究项目中, the attachments might be drafts of journal articles, 书的章节, 或拨款提案. In the case of a curriculum development project, the attachments might be new or substantially revised syllabi, 新的学生练习册或实验手册, 或者类似的产品.;

Quite apart from the requirement for a report, 鼓励教师, 在休假结束时, to hold a colloquium or seminar in which results are reported to departmental faculty 和/or students. The nature of the audience will be suggested by the type of activity undertaken. It is hoped that faculty will not be bashful about sharing the fruits of their work with their colleagues 和 students. The faculty member’s department chair is encouraged to facilitate such 演讲s by working with the faculty member to set a time 和 place for the 演讲.


The September 15 notice of intent deadline allows chairpersons to take individual leaves into account while building staffing plans 和 class schedules for the ensuing academic year. The November 5 deadline allows the faculty member eligible for leave added time to prepare a quality proposal.

University Leaves Oversight Committee (ULOC)  2023-2024

8名教员将组成委员会, 三名来自文理学院, 和 one from each professional College 和 the library.  Members are elected to staggered three-year terms by the faculty of their colleges 和 the library.  只有终身教职员工才有资格任职.


                 艾曼·阿布哈姆迪,23-24 24-25 25-26


                Ryan Donlan, 22- 23,23 - 24,24 -25(主席)

文学院 & 科学:


                Nathan Schaumlaffel, 22- 23,23 -24. 24-25

                詹姆斯·古斯塔夫森,21-22 22-23 23-24




                孔蒂塔·德保罗(23- 24,24 - 25,25 -26)


                梅丽莎·古斯塔夫森,21-22 22-23 23-24

As approved by the ISU 校董会 on December 3, 2004.
注:2004-2005年期间, ULOC的第一年, the committee was convened by Professor Samy Anderson.  At its first meeting the committee selected Professor Samy Anderson as Chairperson 和 decided how to stagger the terms.