



电子游戏试玩 is committed to the responsible conduct of research in its pursuit of scientific inquiry. The responsible conduct of research fosters objective, safe, humane, and legally and ethically compliant practices and environments for scholarly activity. Faculty, students, 以及诚实工作的员工, accurately, and objectively promote trust in the integrity of research and its value for the public good. 电子游戏试玩 acknowledges its responsibility to provide oversight in the responsible conduct of research and to comply with federal mandates.

The Chief Research Officer is the University official responsible for formal assurance and documentation of responsible research conduct and compliance in accordance with institutional and external guidelines. The areas of research oversight include: 1) avoidance of corruptive conflicts of interest, 2)保密, well-being, 以及人类受试者和参与者的安全, 3) provision of humane treatment and environments for animal subjects, 4) adjudication of cases of research misconduct and 5) adjudication of data management and proprietary issues. The Chief Research Officer also serves as ISU’s Institutional Official for state and federal grants.

ISU faculty, staff, and students who engage in research are subject to institutional approval and oversight of research activities and are expected to comply with University policies and procedures. Violations of this policy will be managed by the Chief Research Officer, who will publish procedures for investigation and resolution of research misconduct.

To ensure expert review of compliance in the various domains of research oversight, the University has established compliance committees to review institutional research practice, 向首席研究官提供建议, and oversee the filing of assurances to governmental and regulatory entities.  The Chief Research Officer appoints the leadership of these compliance committees. The Chief Research Officer is responsible for responding to compliance inquiries by external agencies, in consultation with the relevant committee chair and the 总法律顾问.

360.1.1委员会批准. Research projects requiring oversight from one or more of the compliance committees must receive approval through the review process before beginning to conduct the research.  If a research project involves multiple domains of oversight, the project must simultaneously be reviewed by each appropriate committee.

360.1.2审核流程. 当需要监督时, the review of a research project is conducted according to guidelines, rules, processes, and timeline developed by the relevant compliance committee and in accordance with responsible practice and federal guidelines. The review typically involves submission and evaluation of a research proposal, 随后由委员会采取行动予以豁免, approve, 提出修改, 或者拒绝这个项目. 一旦获得批准, it is non-compliant to deviate from the approved protocol without again obtaining approval.


The committee empowered by federal regulations to review, approve 监控研究 involving human subjects in order to assure their protection and welfare is the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB).  Prior to initiating research involving human subjects, project personnel must complete core training in Procedures for Human Subjects Protection. The IRB is responsible for the institutional record-keeping concerning human subjects projects, protocols, 委员会事务.


The committee empowered by federal regulations to review, approve, 监控研究, 科研训练, 实验, 生物测试, 教育或相关活动, 住房和生活设施, vertebrate animals (other than human beings) for research, is the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The IACUC provides oversight to ensure safety and humane treatment and conditions in vertebrate animal research. 在开始上述领域的研究之前, project personnel must complete core training in animal care and use. The IACUC is responsible for the institutional record-keeping concerning animal research projects, protocols, 委员会事务.


The committee empowered by federal regulations to review, approve, 监控研究 activities involving recombinant DNA, 转基因动物, 人体体液, 培养中的人体组织或细胞, 人类病原体, potential pathogen sources or other potentially infectious materials is the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). The IBC provides oversight to ensure safety in biological and biomedical research. 在开始上述领域的研究之前, project personnel must complete core training in biosafety. The IBC is responsible for the institutional record-keeping concerning biosafety in projects, protocols, 委员会事务. Other compliance areas pertinent to the safety of research participants and environments, but not covered by the domains of these compliance committees, are overseen by the Office of Environmental Safety.


Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
(812) 237-3088
董事会删除了第360条. and 360.1.2.第4条,并修订了第360条.1, 360.1.1, 360.1.2.1, 360.1.2.3, 360., 360.1.2.5, 360.1.2.6, 360.1.3.1, 360.1.3.2,360.2, 360.2.1, and 360.3.2017年5月12日. *Policy 399 Interpretation applies to interpretations of Policies 300 to 399 of the 政策库. On June 18, 2021, the ISU 校董会 approved to rename this policy from Sponsored Programs and Institutional Research Compliances to Institutional Research Compliance and amended Sections 360.1, 360.2, 360.3, and 360.4,