Export Control

What is export control?

Federal law prohibits unlicensed export of some goods, services, or information to protect national security and U.S. interests in international trade. Compliance with export control regulations has become increasingly important over the last few years, with federal officials pursuing both civil and criminal action against violators. ISU has established protocols to help ISU faculty, staff, and students navigate these complex regulations.

Controlled exports are regulated by the federal government and include goods, technology, including software. Examples of controlled exports are building materials, circuit boards, automotive parts, blue prints, design plans, retail software packages, technical information information. The transfer of the controlled goods or technology to certain persons or entities inside or outside the United States is restricted or may require an export license. In some cases, services to entities outside of the United States or to foreign governments may also be prohibited. Thus ISU personnel should not assume that export control requirements do not apply. 

Compliance with US Export and Import Control Laws is the responsibility of all ISU faculty, staff, and students. The University’s Export Control Committee is responsible for export control oversight, including the development of training, education and assessment tools, and the recommendation of policies and procedures to promote the University’s ongoing compliance with export control laws.

Activities such as those listed below should be disclosed to the office indentified to endure regulatory compliance and to protect the faculty, staff, students, and institution from compromise. Where situations are more complex, the Univeristy's Export Control Committee will be engaged as needed.


Contact information


Office of the General Counsel
Phone: (812) 237-4141
E-mail: ISU-GeneralCounsel@salamzone.com

Office of Sponsored Programs
Phone: (812) 237-3088
E-mail: research@salamzone.com

Center for Global Engagement
Phone: (812) 237-4325
E-mail: chris.mcgrew@salamzone.com

Office of Information Technology
Phone: (812) 237-2100

Purchasing and Receiving
Phone: (812) 237-3600

Human Resources
Phone: (812) 237-4114
E-mail: ISU-HumanResources@mail.salamzone.com