In a High-Tech World, 人文学科 and Other 文科 Are More Essential Than Ever

Wednesday, December 19, 2018 - 13:31

1987年,美国政府宣布.S. Army War College developed a term to understand the end of the Cold War and that has defined our world since: VUCA, short for volatility, 不确定性, complexity and ambiguity.

Our politics are more fractured and divisive—corrosive really—than ever. Our economy is a roller-coaster. And our place in the world is unsettled. We need to think about how to deal with this mess and, 同时, to education a new generation that is resourceful, engaged and adaptable. Fortunately, there is a path forward and that path involves a reimagination of the arts and sciences. You know, the liberal arts.

First, we have to get over all the negativity out there. Our politicians, many of them with liberal arts degrees themselves have long bashed the liberal arts. President Obama once said “I promise you, folks can make a lot more, 潜在的, with skilled manufacturing or the trades than they might with an art history degree.” Mitt Romney scoffed that “as an 英语 major your options are uh, you better go to graduate school, 好吧? And find a job from there.”

Their cynicism comes as higher education has turned towards vocational education, i.e. 职业培训. Too many politicians now see college as a training program for under- and unemployed workers on the low end, and for developing STEM (science, 技术, engineering and math) workers on the high end. Either way it’s a technical education. And this framing has affected how parents and high school students look at college, as too many see majors as advanced vocational training.

But that’s a mistake, and tech leaders know it. As Intuit’s Alex Chris explains,  this “’STEM only’ mindset is misguided because it focuses narrowly on job preparation. It assumes that the rise in advanced 技术 in the workplace means most career opportunities will be those requiring highly technical skills, and students should therefore focus their studies vocationally.”

The reality is we need the social and critical communication skills that are best honed in the liberal arts. According to the Harvard Business Review, while technical skills are important, “What matters now is not the skills you have but how you think. Can you ask the right questions? Do you know what problem you’re trying to solve in the first place?” They remind us there is a “long list of successful tech leaders who hold degrees in the humanities. To mention just a few CEOs: Stewart Butterfield, 松弛, philosophy; Jack Ma, 阿里巴巴, 英语; Susan Wojcicki, YouTube, history and literature; Brian Chesky, Airbnb, 美术.” Forbes recently declared “That 'Useless' 文科 Degree Has Become Tech's Hottest Ticket” as the industry has finally come around to what many professional associations have understood for a decade or so: the value in the arts and sciences.

They’re figuring it out a decade after the National Academy of Engineeringrecognized the need for the liberal arts, stating “New graduates were technically well prepared but lacked the professional skills for success in a competitive, 创新, 全球市场. Employers complained that new hires had poor communication and teamwork skills and did not appreciate the social and nontechnical influences on engineering solutions and quality processes.”
