
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 - 15:33

学生 should research the different kinds of undergraduate programmes 和 major they are interested in.

世界上有成千上万所大学可供选择. 一些高等教育机构提供本科课程, 其他学校则提供常青藤盟校的教育,还有一些学校最适合硕士学位.


Christophe Savard, VP Career 和 Future 就业 Architect at Gems Education, said that it's not just about choosing a university, 它是关于“选择一种生活方式”,并承诺一段四年或更长时间的关系.

“重要的是,大学以外的所有因素都支持学术承诺. 最终, this can have a significant impact on retention 和 result in a potential drop from their programme 和/or institution which in most cases could have been avoided. If a student is struggling academically or personally, it is important that they utilise the supporting departments of the institution as they are there to help,萨瓦德说.

彭妮Chidgey, from the Gems Wellington 国际 School, said a student should ensure he or she is choosing a university with an academic programme that corresponds with their career 和 academic goals.

She said students should research the different kinds of undergraduate programmes 和 major they are interested in.

"If they want undergraduate business management, then an Ivy League liberal arts college like Stanford or Harvard are not a 'best fit' because their business programmes are for MBA, not undergraduates. Researching undergraduate programmes 和 academic majors is the engine that drives a student's university choice,奇吉说.

"A university campus must be chosen by the family to ensure a balanced quality of life for the students' home-away-from-home experience, safety 和 family comfort levels allowing a student independence without fear during their university experience. 当学业和个人目标平衡并一起考虑时, the 'best fit' university becomes clear for any student - so that they can be a success in their career beyond the university," added Chidgey.

Dr Kierstan Connors, who works at Gems Education College 和 Career Counselling, said many universities offer additional support in case a student decides to change his or major 和 opts for another programme within the institution.

她表示,在美国,近80%的大一新生会更改申请上的电子游戏试玩, 和, according to the British Council, over 65 per cent of university students that enter university this fall will eventually enter careers 和 industries that don't exist today.

“大学知道,一些学生一旦进入大学就改变了他们的目标和道路, 和 have resources, mentors 和 advisors to help with these 变化. So, 改变是好事, as long as the university offers flexible resources, support systems, 和 additional course options for students that are not suited for their first choice academic programme. 因此, it's best to apply to a university 和 course with a 'best fit' back up plan: start with a major of studies academic focus, 并增加一个次要的学术重点,这样即使电子游戏试玩发生了巨大的变化, at least a suitable back up plan is available at the same university - even once the full year's tuition is paid,她说.

"If all else fails, a transfer to a different university is possible but it takes a lot of work for another year-long round of applications. If a student corrects their university experience 和 eventually graduates with a degree they love 和 are proud of, then their career path will not be significantly derailed. They are teenagers 和 have decades of future career paths, 变化, 和 life to experience - with a small start in university."

学生 take holistic approach to college education

Several UAE students are ensuring they build a strong high school resume 和 do thorough research to get accepted into their dream university.

Divyalakshmi VP, a Grade 9 student in Dubai, 她说她想成为英国剑桥大学的学生. 

她已经在为未来做准备,准备参加必要的评估考试, 希望她能给学校招生办留下好印象.

“为了确保实现我的目标,我集思广益想出了一些显而易见但又必不可少的方法. 在高中的四年里有一个好的学习成绩是至关重要的. 在SAT等具有挑战性的能力倾向考试中表现出色, 行为, PSAT, 和 CAT also boosts my profile 和 potential.

"Becoming involved in volunteering programmes, 社会原因, 和 awareness campaigns enumerate my personality. 除此之外, inculcating other skills 和 hobbies - for instance, 学习一项运动或一种乐器——增加了我的能力,展示了我的兴趣,VP说.

Another Grade 9 student in Dubai, Sravya Nagalakunta, 她说,帮助妹妹申请大学帮助她理解了这个过程. 

"Education plays a vital role in shaping one's life. Therefore, higher education determines the future. 跟随妹妹的录取过程帮助我理解了它的结构. You have to put yourself on the college applications. 模仿一个和你不一样的人可能会在以后的道路上产生自己的后果. There is nothing wrong with being yourself. Sometimes it might just be the best person. 有咨询师可以提供帮助,但最终的屈服取决于你自己," Nagalakunta said.

A Grade 8 student, Dhanvi Sayani, 她说:“要想进入心仪的大学,你必须努力学习, hard work is the key to success. You should fix your eyes on your goal - the university you wish - keeping that in mind when you prepare for your requirements."

Educators believe kids require more than st和ardised tests

(James McDonald美国IB课程副总裁)

你有没有想过100年后的人们会怎么评价我们今天的生活? I am not a futurist, 但我确信,到2118年,我们的世界将会发生很多变化, just as much has changed between 1918 和 today. 

Along these lines, 和 in recognition of the pace of change nowadays, for the past few decades, educators have been moving towards ' 21st-century learning' which is all about developing dispositions 和 skills in areas like creativity, 创新, 沟通, 协作, critical thinking, 和 digital literacies. 

Many modern educators believe our children require an education that goes much further than what can be delivered through traditional approaches to teaching 和 learning which is designed to be measured through st和ardised assessments.

I think many parents intuitively know this to be true. I would encourage parents to consider how their child is learning 和 to question whether their planned course of study reflects their future needs, especially that of their higher education. 

I don't think it would be outl和ish to suggest that future generations are going to wonder why our educational systems have continued to focus on the less essential things for so long. Below is some reasoning behind these thoughts:

St和ardised tests

今天, 很少有人仅仅因为标准化考试成绩就被录用或升职, 那么,为什么标准化考试成绩是衡量这么多孩子表现的关键呢?? 还有其他因素可以评估一个孩子在学校的表现, 这些与未来的职业成功有更强的相关性. These might include assessing anything from good teamwork 和 effective 沟通 skills to creative problem-solving capabilities - none of which can be properly measured by a st和ardised academic exam.

Rise of artificial intelligence (AI)

AI is replacing 工作 in some sectors 和 this pace of change is set to continue as industries face a changing dem和 for human capital.  用不了多久,计算机就能在许多标准化考试中超越大多数学生. 如果我们的教育系统继续关注通过标准化测试来衡量的学习, 那么这些可能只是让学生为被电脑取代做准备. We need to focus more on complex cognitive abilities, 比如批判性思维和创造力——人工智能还没有开始挑战人类的能力.

Test scores vs entrepreneurial capability

描述21世纪学习的另一种方式可能是通过企业家精神的视角.  Many of the terms we would use to describe entrepreneurial thinking - which can be applied in almost any real-world setting - describe the skills that we aim to harbour in our 21st-century learning environments.  

When choosing a university:

>Research different options - make sure there is a 'good fit' between the student 和 the programme. Reputation should never be the only consideration. 

>Learn about the admission requirements of different universities as early as possible so your child's programme of study can be aligned thoughtfully with these requirements.

>Remember the world of work is changing - aspire for a 21st-century university education.

>Top global universities are increasingly moving toward more holistic criteria for admission, 和 test scores are only one consideration. Plan accordingly.


This is a time to celebrate the achievements 和 hard work of our students 和 to thank the amazing teachers who have helped our students.

But no student is a number 和 there is always much more to each individual that can be reflected in a st和ardised test score.


How well are you preparing for your college admissions?

如果我们想确保自己能进入理想的大学, 第一步也是最好的一步是我们应该努力工作并取得好成绩, 特别是在四个最关键和最重要的课程中. 如果你考得好,你会更容易进入你想要的大学. We can make sure to proofread 和 get feedbacks which would enhance our reading skills 和 speaking skills. 一个人可以参加学术严谨的课程,这将有助于增加你的知识.

(Salika年代.T, The Central School, Dubai)

应用ing to college can be both exciting 和 stressful. 有那么多大学要考虑,有那么多重要的截止日期要赶, daunting might be an understatement for the work ahead. 更不用说, 在申请精英学校的众多高素质申请者中,竞争非常激烈. 申请尽可能多的大学——以防你没有被选中的大学录取, 你会进入其他大学,但如果你不申请,你就进不了任何大学.

(Karan Sinnamari, Our Own 英语 High School, Fujairah)

Since competitions for applying to schools, 工作, 和 universities are progressing day by day, students find it extremely difficult to get themselves enrolled in the high st和ard universities they wish to attend. 大多数学生不能上他们想上的大学. 这要么是因为财务标准不达标,要么是因为成绩不佳. 也, there still exist students who are unable to attend universities because of their lack of awareness about the society.

(Arun Sinnamari, Our Own 英语 High School, Fujairah )



放学后是一个人到达人生十字路口的时候. 选择合适的课程和合适的大学在这里变得非常重要. The purpose of education is not just a degree, 但是要培养正确的态度,同时坚持正确的价值观. The aim is wholesome development.

