Writing Objectives and Outcomes

Developing Objectives and Outcomes

The first steps in designing an assessment plan are to develop educational 目标 and student learning 结果 that are aligned with the mission of the program.

程序层次的教育 目标 (which are sometimes referred to as goals or standards) are broad statements that describe the overarching knowledge, 技能, 的态度, and behaviors that the program targets with its educational experiences. They describe the attributes that students should be able to demonstrate at the time of graduation or early in their careers. As a general rule, programs should identify 3 - 6 目标 derived from the mission.

After the educational 目标 have been identified, the program should identify several (generally, 3 - 6)特定, measurable student learning 结果 对于每个目标. Student learning 结果 are stated in terms of what the student should be able to demonstrate as a result of the learning experiences provided by the program. They are action-oriented and cognitively appropriate for the program level. Student learning 结果 are measurable indicators of the educational objective. Measurable 结果 are typically stated as (one action verb) + (one something). The action verb describes the specific performance required to demonstrate the learning outcome, and the "something" is the focus of the learning experience.

Below are several examples of program-level educational 目标 and the related student learning 结果. There are also a number of excellent online resources on developing 目标 and 结果 and providing examples. Links to several of these are provided below. You might also consult the web sites of your disciplinary associations or prominent programs in your field for examples of 目标 and 结果.

Example #1: BA/BS in Criminology and Criminal Justice

教育目标4: 学生 will demonstrate critical thinking 技能.

  • SLO 4.1. 学生 will identify and analyze current issues and practices in criminal justice.

  • SLO 4.2. 学生 will apply a scientifically supported theoretical premise to current criminal justice issues.

  • SLO 4.3. 学生 will develop a policy based on scientifically supported research.

  • SLO 4.4. 学生 will identify best practices in criminal justices.

  • SLO 4.5. 学生 will analyze current research methodologies.

Example #2: BA/BS in Psychology

教育目标5: Respect for human diversity

  • SLO 5.1. Interact effectively and with sensitivity with people having diverse abilities, 背景, 和信仰.

  • SLO 5.2. Explain how personal world view may influence beliefs, values, and interactions with others

  • SLO 5.3. Explain how social and cultural context influences the experience of others

Example #3: 本科 Business Core

教育目标5: 学生 will be competent in ethical decision making.

  • SLO 5.1. 学生 will be able to explain and defend the ethical framework in which they make business decisions.

  • SLO 5.2. Student will be able to identify parties affected by a business decision, identify how a decision may affect each stakeholder, and arrive at a decision that is (ideally) mutually beneficial or one that minimizes harm to any one party.


凯利·伍兹-约翰逊博士.D. (她/她)
导演,评估 & 程序有效性
Rankin 243
(812) 237-7975



I am happy to meet to discuss your assessment needs.  Feel free to email, call, or set up a virtual or in-person appointment. 

FCTE Office Hours Spring 2024

  • Wednesdays, 8:30am-10:30am

Schedule is subject to change. Call or email ahead to verify if desired.