

的 University offers a bachelor of science (BS) in chemistry.

的 chemistry major is excellent preparation for students seeking careers in industry, 研究生院, 或者电子游戏试玩学校. Coursework offers students depth of knowledge in the five recognized sub-fields of chemistry—analytical, 生物化学, 无机, 有机, 物理化学. 学生 have opportunities to participate in research projects under the direct supervision 和 support of full-time faculty members.

的 chemistry major offers three concentrations:

  • American Chemical Society-Certified Concentration: This 程序 is designed for the student who wishes to pursue an advanced degree or career as a professional chemist.
  • American Chemical Society-Certified Biochemistry Concentration: This 程序 is designed for the student who wishes to pursue an advanced degree or a career as a professional chemist in the area of 生物化学 和 the biological sciences.
  • Preprofessional Concentration: This 程序 is designed for the student who wishes to pursue a career in medicine, 牙科, 兽医科学, 或其他相关领域.

All chemistry majors follow similar curriculum patterns during the first two years of study. 因此, students have time to consult their advisors before choosing the track that suits his or her individual plans.

的 部门 of Chemistry 和 Physics at Indiana State assures students the best of both worlds—h和s-on use of state-of-the-art instrumentation of the type found at major research universities 和 the closeness between students 和 faculty that characterizes smaller liberal arts 大学s.

学生 participate in real-world applications of chemistry through departmental seminars by recent graduates 和 talks by industrial scientists 和 managers.

的 highlight of the 程序 is the high degree of participation by undergraduates in faculty-mentored research. A wide range of research opportunities is available including 生物化学, 生物信息学, 计算化学, 天体化学, 环境化学, 无机化学, 药物化学, natural products chemistry, 有机 synthesis 物理化学. As part of the research experience, students have the opportunity to present their results at regional 和 national meetings.

全职, ten-week paid summer research fellowships are available within the department, 和 a few students gain experience through internships with local companies.

Many students participate in the nationally recognized Student Affiliates Chapter of the American Chemical Society or the Prepharmacy Club. 这些, 和 over 100 other highly accessible student organizations, provide opportunities for involvement 和 leadership that will complement studies.

Note: In addition to the bachelor of science (BS) in chemistry, the University offers a bachelor of arts (BA) in chemistry.



Chemistry graduates secure positions as chemists, 实验室经理, 和 research scientists in the chemical sciences industry. Many go on to 研究生院 in chemistry or related fields or seek professional degrees in medical, 牙科, 脊椎按摩疗法, 制药, 或者兽医学校.

在过去的五年里, 超过80% of the University's chemistry majors who applied to medical school were admitted. 的 department boasts an excellent placement record for industrial positions as well.

金融援助 & 奖学金

学生 have many sources of 金融支持 为了他们的学习, 包括经济援助, 勤工俭学, 退伍军人的福利, 和 special scholarships for entering freshmen 和 transfer students.

In addition, the 部门 of Chemistry 和 Physics awards numerous scholarships.


Prospective students should contact the 招生办公室 for further information 和 assistance.

Currently enrolled students should contact the following:

部门 of Chemistry 和 Physics


的 研究生目录 和 本科目录 of 电子游戏试玩 are the documents of authority for all students. 的 requirements given in the catalogs supersede information issued by any academic department, 程序, 大学, 或学校. 的 University reserves the right to change the requirements at any time.



Prospective students should contact the 招生办公室 for further information 和 assistance.

Currently enrolled students should contact the following:

部门 of Chemistry 和 Physics